Wednesday, May 21

YEAR:  2014 | Tags:  | | |

Aleksanterinkatu, 17:00


Today was the first day of the Online Media entrance examination. I got to work early, and spent the day supervising tests and talking with potential students.

At 15:30 I left for the centre for an appointment with Tero, my dentist. I have had a dull toothache for about ten days. He diagnosed the problem, and then told me that he would deal with it in another ten days, after I have seen the hygienist to had some plaque removed. Ho hum.

It has been a dull and wet day, and now I am outside Suomalainenkirjakauppa in the pouring rain looking at two opposing camps contesting the European elections. On my left I have the nationalist party, who like to call themeslves True Finns in English, and the Swedish party, who are nothing but politely left-liberal. Inside the shop Mikko Kuustinen is hosting a discussion with two female authors.

When I get home I will do some ironing, leaving the sheets and duvets for when Naa returns for Berlin.