Sunday, September 6

YEAR:  2015 | Tags:  | |

The woods, 11:30


Irma got up early this morning, and I stayed asleep for another hour and a half.

After breakfast I went for a walk in the woods.

A lot of the maple trees look like. It is very photogenic but I am fairly sure it is a disease. Irma will confirm this later. It is because of the unusual damp.

In the afternoon we will do some gardening. I will remove the many mushrooms that have also arrived because of the damp. Irma will mow.

I will then wash all the windows while Irma cleans ornaments and hanging things.

Later Irma will go to Prisma while I sweep up some unexpected dirt. At some point in all of this she will contact Naa through the miracle of Whatsapp.

Naa has restarted her blog Even Angels Fall, and Irma will translate her entries from Chiang Mai for me.

It will start to rain just as I am starting to think a second brisk walk might be a good idea. The sky gives the impression that it will not stop any time soon.

I will decide to read instead.